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vol.53 May 2015

News & Announcements

3rd Anniversary of TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN®! New Exhibitions Are Now at the SUMIDA AQUARIUM

There are two new exhibitions for the 3rd anniversary of TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN. One of the highlights of the Edorium exhibition is the 2,000 Wakin Goldfish swimming in a 2 meter-high cylinder water tank. Penguin Candy is a show that uses projection mapping onto a penguin pool. This exhibition is available from March 21 to July 17, 2015.

Roppongi Hills Tokyo City View Renewal and Star Wars Exhibition

In the recently renovated Roppongi Hills observation deck Tokyo City View, a special Star Wars exhibition has been holding from April 29 through June 28. “Star Wars VISIONS” includes artworks by various artists personally handpicked by George Lucas, original film costumes and props, special merchandise, and so on. (Japanese version only)

Opening of the Shinagawa Season Terrace 

From May 28, an area on the Konan side of Shinagawa station will be featuring the large-scale complex called “Shinagawa Season Terrace,” which has the largest commercial zone in this area. One of the many features of the enormous structure will be its shopping area consisting of 21 businesses of shops, restaurants, clinics, pharmacies, and others, including opening for the first time in Tokyo. version only)

“Manga*Anime*Games from Japan” Exhibition at The National Art Center, Tokyo

Featuring Japanese manga, anime and games created after 1989, this exhibition at The National Art Center, Tokyo (from June 24 to August 31), offers visitors the chance to appreciate them aesthetically and comprehend their function as a window to Japan’s society and technological progress.

Special Article

Unique Vending Machines in Tokyo 

Get to know unique vending machines in Tokyo!

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Issued by: Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau
Supported by: Tourism Division, Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs, Tokyo Metropolitan Government

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